Meanwhile, increasingly creepy weatherman Al Roker, loudly asked if they make Snuggies for two... another hint he's a Smucker's centenarian birthday wish away from replacing Willard Scott as the morning news program's go-to fedora-wearing crazy old guy.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Today's Unsnug Hero
Meanwhile, increasingly creepy weatherman Al Roker, loudly asked if they make Snuggies for two... another hint he's a Smucker's centenarian birthday wish away from replacing Willard Scott as the morning news program's go-to fedora-wearing crazy old guy.
Fashion Weak
Now, we all remember the look Queen Aretha Franklin used to understandably steal Barack Obama's thunder on Inauguration Day (because he's really such an attention whore), but I'm going to repost anyway because it's just so shiny...

Below is the evolution of the Lady in question's locks to the current point of cranial plagiarism.

Channel Changer: Ru Betta Work
And thanks to the sage advice of my dear friend Mike, I found just that in LOGO's recently premiered RuPaul's Drag Race, or more accurately titled Project Next Top Drag Idol.
The show's premise is as simple as a cross-dressing reality TV show competition could possibly be-- nine lovely divas in drag make love to the camera in hypersexualized photoshoots, construct costumes out of items from the dolla sto, parade them down a runway that, based on exterior shots of barbed wires and dumpsters, was built in an alleyway, lip sync to RuPaul's "Supermodel" for their lives so that the judges hopefully give them another chance to do it all over again next week.
The stand-out queens were...

As for the show's host, RuPaul Charles (yes, that's his/her given name) is like the perfect cross between Top Model's Tyra and Runway's Tim Gunn. When in a translucent ruffly form-fitting dress topped a wig straight outta the Marilyn Monroe Collection, delivering the contestants their video "SheMail," mentioning "world renowned fashion photographers," or speaking in obscenely obvious voiceovers, Ru (as friends would refer to him/her) gives Ty Ty Baby a run for her monies. Plus, his show is sponsored by M.A.C. and Absolut, which totes trump CoverGirl.

Well, chantez, I'm staying... because these queens are high quality entertainment.
Gone Viral: Donnie Dubbs, You'll Be My American Boy

Hey All….
Canada? NUTS!
The UK and Europe? INSANE!
The US and Canada again???
Is your head really screwed on straight???
Is your mind really right?????
Are you absolutely sure you want to do it again??
Cuz guess what?
I AM READY!!!!!!
I am more than ready!!!!!
I was ready the day we stopped.
Here’s the thing….
We had so much fun….
Can we have more?
We let ourselves go….
Can we go further?
We pushed it to the limit….
Can we push it harder?
We got crazy…
Can we really get any crazier???????
HELL YEAH WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
This is your time!!!!!!
This is our time!!!!!!
It only gets better!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t even type no more…..
It’s 4 am in Amsterdam and I gotta go for a run in the sub-zero temperatures to cool off!!!!!
It’s about to get real crazy.
You’ve been warned.
Come ready or don’t come at all!!!!!!!
In 2009 we go harder.
There is too much to be down about in the world right now…..
Let’s laugh and sing and dance and hug and kiss and spread the love all the way through it!!!!
It’s our time.
Nuff said.
As Always Your Man-
Donnie W
PS- you ain’t get enough face time? You ain’t get any face time?
It’s 4AM- I don’t sleep.
Find me!!!!!
Who doesn't love a good extremely excitable short stanza post? Though I'm confused about who owns the time and what time it is-- and wish it was 2 in the morning ("Girl, whatchu wanna do?")-- I know the elder Wahlberg is the one who can fix all of the world's CRAAAAZZZZZYYYYY problems with a little laughter, song, embrace, smooch, and love. Yes, the fact that this entry was brought to us from Amsterdam is not non-noteworthy, but considering the former actor once told Crave Online, "It’s just my goal is not to be a superstar. My goal is to be super at what I do," I would say those exclamation points and the smiley face stickers of positive reinforcement he plans on giving out to fans mean the second leg of "The Block Tour" should be a crotch-grabbing, pendulum leg-swinging good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday, February 5, 2009
Grammatime: Cougars and Cubs... To Your Corners
Exhibit A: Faye Dunaway

Upon hearing the news that Hilary Duff would be reprising her Oscar-nominated role in 2010's The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, Ms. Dunaway allegedly asked, ''Couldn't they at least cast a real actress?'' (according to The Sun-Times) Now, Faye... just because Hil began her career in the direct-to-VHS Casper Meets Wendy and her greatest achievement thus far is a tie between breaking down barriers for out-of-work actresses under 20 who smile through their pain with veneers and having her song "Come Clean" featured as the Laguna Beach theme song, that doesn't mean she's not real. H. Duff's last movie, War, Inc. was not only extremely crappy, but also titularly prophetic in that this is clearly Lizzie McGuire's biggest public catfight since she and Lindsay Lohan fought over Aaron Carter, who coincidentally resembles the latter's current lady love, Samantha Ronson. Hilary took the high road in response to Faye's comment, telling E!, “I think that my fans that are going to go see the movie don’t even know who she is, so you know… I think it was a little unnecessary but I might be mad if I looked like that now too."
Mocking the 68-year-old actress' physical appearance is obviously the way to go. Though Hilary should really watch herself. That's quite the bold statement from a young actress who counts Agent Cody Banks, Material Girls, and Raise Your Voice among her major film roles. But really, if we're going to take stabs at anyone's acting career, consider Kevin Zegers, the young man cast opposite Hilary's Bonnie as Clyde, who's best known for the Air Bud tetralogy (yes, that'd be four and no, I absolutely did not have to look that word up).
But from Bonnie and Clyde's criminal adventures on the screen to those described in the studio with the "'03 Bonnie and Clyde, Hov and B," I bring you...
Exhibit B: Etta James

Do not be fooled by this image of finger-pointing jest; all is not kosher between the legendary Etta James and the legendary-in-her-own-imaginary-multiple-personality-mind Beyoncé Knowles. Though Ms. James had not publicly discussed her sentiments about the young woman with the RoboCop hand's depiction of her younger self, nor her rendition of "At Last" at the first-ever Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Ball for President Obama, at a recent concert at the Boulevard Casino in British Columbia, Etta came forward with verbal guns blazing as brightly as B's legs in the "Single Ladies" video.
“You guys know your President, right?" she asked her audience in her best Leno Jaywalking segment impression. "I tell you that woman he had singing for him, singing my song, she gonna get her ass whooped… The great Beyoncé… but I can’t stand Beyoncé. She has no business up there, singing up there on a big ole’ President Day … singing my song that I’ve been singing forever." Forever is obviously a loose term considering Etta was the third person to record "At Last," after Glenn Miller and Nat King Cole. But that silly little insignificant factoid aside, Etta is obviously declaring this B-Day (copyright Beyoncé Knowles).
Thus far, Beyoncé hasn't retaliated. But considering Gran' Mama James is a little bit confused about the administrative calendar (po-tay-to, po-tah-to, President Day, Inauguration Day), perhaps Beyoncé can stealthily administer some sort of sneak attack. Might I suggest a torture sesh by means of a Carmen: The Hip Hopera viewing on loop as a successful approach.
The Truth Will Prebale

UPDATE: E-ruminations from My Mama
(Please note in this unedited electronic message that I received from my mom, she nearly made Perez Hilton's favorite Bale-istic joke unintentionally. God bless her. Also, for reference purposes, Opera Lady Judy and Broadway Voice Coach Man are the two neighbors I'm sandwiched between who sing and play the piano apparently "professionally" whenever they wish to recreate my version of No Exit.)
but if you really want to know I am certain you could ask Opera Lady Judy or Broadway Voice Coach Man and they could tell you because
Stalkward: You Bikini Model During a Foreign Sporting Event, You Learn

"Already it knew the capoeira, but did not know that was a fight created by the old slaves", explained, enthusiastic. "I find that this country is one of the best places of the world for be itself all the planet finished. I love the passion of the Brazilians. They are present in everything and do not they have fear of be passionate ", assured she, that does not assume a relationship since 2006, with the end of the engagement with the actor Ryan Reynolds (32), that it changed for the actress Scarlett Johansson (24).
Ah, yes. The universality of this image. Who can't relate to sentiments of old slaves, planet finished, and getting dumped? Certainly not the Brazilians. When asked if she likes to sing in Brazil, Alanis replied:
"I worship. The public is freer. It is going to see me that, despite of will speak another one language, they know all the my music. The Brazilians sometimes to remember more of mine own compositions than I (laughters). That supply that music is a universal language. It see that they lend attention to what do I say, even in another one language, is a big present."
Big presents? You mean like that cross-eyed bear or movie theater BJ that you gave to me? I worship. (laughters)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fashion Weak

With gems like "I'm like a shark who somebody stuck two knives in my eyes," she's obviously well- and logically- versed in matters of the heart. Plus, she knows her speech impediments well enough to avoid similes using copious amounts of s's. Wait, I'm sorry... did she actually say "verbal gymnathtiths?"
But perhaps the greatest pearl of wisdom Ms. Barrymore bestowed upon us via Julie Chen was this: "Men build bridges. They want to get from here to there. They make it happen. They can find you. If they're not calling, they're not in! I mean, it's amazing what lengths men will go to get from here to there." When asked about her gender's relationship with overpasses, she said, "We want to decorate it and talk about how fabulous it's going to be in 30 years." Apparently to Drew, all women are prophetic Carson Kressleys.
Of course, we could blame these absolutely nonsensical love lessons on the excessive drugs and alcohol she experimented with back when the rest of did in fourth grade, but I'm going to have to go ahead and say it's the aerosol cans she likely both inhaled while spraying to secure her coiff. I do, however, appreciate the comb-over approach during the CBS interview. Perhaps it was an homage to BFF Cameron Diaz' infamous There's Something About Mary hair, but it's a bit problematic when you're resembling a look styled with semen. Juuuuust sayin'.
Rosetta Stoned

- Omega called the situation a "nonissue." (via Yahoo!)
- Speedo maintained that Phelps is a "valued member of the Speedo team." (via Yahoo!)
- "We continue to support Michael Phelps as an athlete whose numerous athletic feats outshine an act of regrettable behavior," Hilton Hotels said, which is only fair considering the family name is full of indiscretions. (via Yahoo!)
- Though their contract with Phelps ended on December 31, 2008, Rosetta Stone said, "We do not condone his activities and are disappointed in his recent judgment." (via Yahoo!)
- "We have spoken with Michael, and he has expressed regret for the situation, has committed to being accountable and improving his judgment in the future," a Visa spokesperson said. "We intend to support him as he looks to move forward."(via
Honestly, the pot-smoking porpoise's apology just should have gone something like the last 15 seconds of this:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Behind the Scene: Lost in the Fauxmance

I'd like to think that this serendipitous court side seating went a bit more smoothly than America's and Jay-Z's below, perhaps leading to a Lost/Gossip Girl crossover episode, which would likely go something like this (and is tentatively imaginarily titled, "XOXO, Jacob")...
We find out that during those 17 years Hurley was eating his feelings after his father had abandoned him, Papa Reyes was employed by the Bass family as a manservant to help rear Chuck while his father, Bart spent his time stalking his wives, participating in high class prostitution rings, and ridiculing his son's love of purple. When he wasn't watching "Expose," David taught lil' Chuck the ways of the world and (GASP) even took him on a Camaro cruise to the Grand Canyon. Upon learning this, Hurley goes bonkers and is sent back to Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, where he befriends Georgina Sparks, who was removed from boot camp and sent to the home of the crazies for continuing to obsess over her imaginary boyfriend Stan Gumphrey. Together, Hurley and Georgina plot against Bass Industries, a subsidiary of... dun dun dun... WIDMORE INDUSTRIES! What secrets will the mental patients unearth? Is Chuck secretly Penny's half brother? Why is Chace Crawford a paid actor? Is Nelly Yuki Miles' daughter? Is asking that question any more racist than the assumption that Miles is Dr. Chang's son because he's Asian or pulling our eyes back a la Miley Cyrus? So many questions-- I wonder if JJ Schwabrams will ever give us the answers.
Look Who's Slitting It Up Again

But furreals, Miley should say she's sorry... and not with a distorted "r," especially since it's bad enough that the girl has a serious lisp.
Sacked By the Super Bowl
Fashion Weak